Thank you for your interest in Five Points! Please see our guidelines by clicking on the categories below. We consider unsolicited submissions and contest submissions via Submittable only and do not accept unsolicited manuscripts or contest submissions through the post office. We strive to respond to manuscripts in a timely manner. Submittable fees are nonrefundable

We look forward to reading your work! 

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Ends on $4.00

ESSAY GUIDELINES: Include a cover letter with your submission. Simultaneously submitted works are permitted. Each essay should be no longer than 7500 words. Please submit one essay per submission. Essays should be individually typed double-spaced on one side of the page. Please make sure your name appears on all of the pages of your manuscript. All works must be previously unpublished (in all formats). We only accept electronic submissions for this genre.

Please also submit nonfiction translations here.





Ends on $5.00

FICTION GUIDELINES: Include a cover letter with your submission. Simultaneously submitted works are permitted. Each story should be no longer than 7500 words. We don't consider unsolicited novel excerpts. Please submit one story per submission. Stories should be individually typed double-spaced on one side of the page. Please make sure your name appears on all of the pages of your manuscript. All works must be previously unpublished (in all formats). We only accept electronic submissions for this genre.

Please also submit fiction translations here.

Ends on $4.00

POETRY GUIDELINES: Include a cover letter with your submission. Simultaneously submitted works are permitted. Each poem should be no longer than fifty lines. Please send no more than 3 poems per submission. Poems should be individually typed either single- or double-spaced on one side of the page. Please make sure your name appears on all of the pages of your manuscript. All works must be previously unpublished (in all formats). We only accept electronic submissions for this genre.

Please also submit poetry translations here.


Length: Up to 500 words maximum.

Limit: Submit one flash piece per submission.

Please identify your piece as fiction or nonfiction.

Previously published work (in any format) will not be considered for publication. Only electronic submissions will be considered. Simultaneous submissions are accepted.

Please also submit flash translations here.


One submission in any genre per submission 

Subscription starts with the December 2025 issue (2 issues/1 year).

Follow the guidelines for each genre in our general guidelines.

Regular reading period begins on September 1, 2025.

Five Points